High Fiber Radishes Are A Weight Loss Power Food

 High Fiber Radishes Are A Weight Loss Power Food Because They Can Help You Feel Full And Satisfy Your Hunger 

Radishes are a delicious low-calorie vegetable that is cholesterol-free and fat free. This vitamin packed power food is only 19 calories per cup, contains a good source of fiber and is very low in sodium. Radishes are very filling because they are high in roughage and water content. Radishes make a beautiful edible decoration to your party platters.

High Fiber Radishes

Radishes are rich in iodine, iron and sulphur. They are an excellent source of vitamin C, which is an antioxidant and a anti-inflammatory. The anti-inflammatorys in radishes may help with asthma symptoms.

Radishes contain a high amount of the mineral molybdenum. Studies show this mineral may help processes in the kidneys, may help develop the nervous system, and may help produce energy in body cells. Additional studies have shown molybdenum is an antioxidant that can help protect cells from free radicals which may possibly help prevent cancer.

The good source of potassium in radishes may help to regulate your blood pressure. Radishes are known to help maintain a healthy liver, gullbladder, and may help with digestion function due to the sulfur based chemicals they contain.

Skin disorders may be helped with radishes! The high water content in radishes helps add moisture to your skin. Raw radishes contain disinfectant properties and may be used to help cure rashes and cracks in your skin. Radishes have been used as a treatment for bee stings and other insect bites, as it may help reduce the swelling and pain in the affected area.

Radishes can be purchased in most grocery stores year round. Select the radishes that are firm and free of cracks and discolored spots. Proper storage of your radishes will help retain their flavor and quality. Place your radishes in a perforated plastic storage bag in the vegetable drawer in your refrigerator.

Radishes can be enjoyed many ways as a low calorie weight loss power food. This wonderful food can be eaten as a snack while “on the go”, at work or relaxing at home. Toss a few slices of radishes over top of your garden salad for variety and beautiful color.

Add radishes to your vegetable smoothie for a delicious kick of spicy flavor. Try adding finely chopped radishes to low fat yogurt for a smooth dip. For breakfast, try an egg omelet or scrambled eggs with a side dish of cut radishes.

Have you ever tried baked radish chips? This is a much better choice than high calorie junk food corn chips…simply cut your radishes into thin slices and steam in your microwave for about 5 minutes. Place your radishes in a bowl with a teaspoon of chili powder, 1/2 teaspoon garlic salt and a 1/2 teaspoon of paprika. Mix well and place on a baking pan. Bake at 350 degrees for about 10 minutes, then flip over and bake for an additional 10 minutes. This is a snack or appetizer your family and guests will really rave about!

Have fun and enjoy radishes as one of your new exciting power foods!

The Power Blast!

Calories: one large radish one calorie!
Protein: 0
Fiber: 0.1 g
Sugar: 0
Vitamin C: 1.3 mg
Calcium: 2.2 mg
Cholesterol: 0
Potassium: 21.0 mg
Sodium: 4 g
Saturated fat: 0
Carbohydrates: 0

Have fun losing weight while you are eating your new power food!


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